Processing Community Day (PCD) is a day to celebrate and explore art, code, and diversity around the world. What does that mean? - aside from the conventional lecture / demo format, our PCD can be a show & tell session, a zine-making session, an audio-visual performance, a DIY art show, a game jam, a group discussion on software art or ALL OF THE ABOVE.
A focus of this project is to make learning how to program and make creative work with code accessible to diverse communities. Here's a snapshot of PCD India from last year

A group picture of the participants of PCD Bangalore — group of people in the center are holding the “Data Selfie” installation

Usha Mohanraj presenting her talk “Anyone Can Code: Learning to code at 50”

Hardik Chandrahas presenting his talk “Storytelling through creative coding”

Participants in the “ Generative Futures” workshop working on their laptops
Check out the list of PCD in India in 2020
For any questions, email
To learn more about Processing Day, check out the global PCD website global PCD website